Cross-country Ski Trail Etiquette
Cross-country skiing has evolved an etiquette for trail use in order to ensure
a safe and enjoyable activity for all.
Single Track
- When two skiers meet head-on on a hill (even a gentle one), the skier going uphill should yield the right of way.
- When two skiers meet head-on on level ground, the slower skier should yield the right of way.
- When a faster skier catches up to a slower skier going the same direction, the slower skier should yield the right of way.
Double Track
- Keep right except to pass.
If you are using the left track to pass, to talk to a friend, or because it is a better track,
yield it to oncoming skiers.
When two skiers meet head-on on a hill, the skier going uphill should yield the right of way
unless the tracks are far enough apart that there is no danger of a collision, should the downhill
skier lose control.
When a faster skier catches up to a slower skier going the same direction, and oncoming
traffic prevents the faster skier from changing tracks, the slower skier should yield the right of way.
Never stop in the track. If you have to stop for more than 10 seconds for any reason, you should get off the track
and leave enough room for someone to ski by in the track.
- It is considered good manners to greet other skiers.
- If you feel the "call of nature", go well off the trail, even if no one is watching.
- Obey any one-way signs.
- If a skier shouts "Track!!", he or she is asking you to yield the right of way. Please do so.
Be polite. If someone yields the right of way for you, thank them.
If you have to yell "Track!", say "Track, please!".
Yielding the right of way means quickly getting out of the track, preferable on the right side,
and ensuring that there is enough room for the other skier to ski past in the track.