A brilliant blue-sky day on a beautiful ridge. We took our time during the day, taking many breaks and savouring the views. Coming down from the first/highest summit was quite slippery from the melting of Monday’s snow, so it was nice to have that behind us when we stopped for lunch on the 2nd summit. After that we leisurely sauntered up and down the remaining summits and through the larch forest. I had timed this trip to be after the summer crowds but before the madness of larch season. Luck was on our side: we only saw a few other people all day, and were rewarded by some surprisingly good early larches.

Thanks to the group for making the day so much fun and helping keep everyone safe, not only on the slippery parts of the ridge but also during the Covid-aware car shuttles.

Approaching the first summit; Grizzly Col behind

Rest break on first summit

Anticipating a long ridge walk

Approaching lunch spot on second summit

Group at lunch

Descending the ridge towards the larches (photo by David)

End of the ridge (photo by David)

Participants: Rosanne,Philip,Bill,David,Nancy,Aldis,Jeannette,Jane,Cristina,John, coordinator Ingrid, and trial member Chris.

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