With a light breeze at the trailhead we started off at 9:00 AM. With no wind in the trees we soon took off a layer and headed up. Upon leaving the forest we put helmuts on and proceeded to enjoy the scrambling up to the peak of North Baldy arriving at 10:45. We ate our boiled eggs, granola bars, and bites of sandwich under clear blue skies, pleasant temperature, and no wind. While relaxing at the summit we watched a runner clad only in shorts reach the summit, run past us and soon out of sight along the traverse to Baldy South. We then proceeded to the downclimb and along the narrow ridge traverse reaching the summit of Baldy South at 12:00. After a relaxing lunch with a slight breeze and only one tick we continued down to Baldy Pass with increasing temperature. After a short break at the pass we entered the cool forest and strolled down reaching the parking lot at 2:10 PM. Thanks to Sim, Gary, Alda, Susan, Jane, for the good company and conversations about family and future adventures. John, coordinator.