Cross Conservation Area, Pine Creek Trail loop Trail Hike on 14-Sep-2

A very leisurely start on the trail at just after 11 followed by a very leisurely walk sampling trails we don't usually do.

One of the many new signs for the trails
One of the many new signs for the trails

We discovered that there were brand new signs, fences, gates - dating from this summer.
With the closing of the Pine Creek trail, we chose some loops that would give us about 9km and probably 100 m or so of elevation gain: Mountain view- Ranchers-Fescue-Paradise (new)-Aspen trails.

Mountains to the west
Mountains to the west

Blue Rock to the SW
Blue Rock to the SW

We still get all the great views. Lunch at Pine Creek Lookout then a short break at the West Lookout and back to the car around 3pm.

13 lined ground squirrel sampling thistle flower
13 lined ground squirrel sampling thistle flower

Almost the last thing we saw on the trail was a squirrel as it stretched to catch a thistle flower and eat the seeds.
Thanks to Brieta and Tom for sharing this lovely day with me. C/s/p Dorothy-Ann
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