
  • To foster the safe undertaking of non-motorized outdoor activities by Association members.
  • To protect the interests of Ramblers and to maintain their rights and privileges.
  • To foster greater love and knowledge of the countryside by members.
  • To assist in the preservation of countryside amenities.
  • To function as a bureau of information for members.
  • To organize social functions for the members.



Link to Bylaws



  1. Coordinators Council

    The Coordinators Council shall be generally responsible for the outdoor activities of the Association and shall be responsible to the Executive Committee. The Coordinators Council shall consist of the officers and the Coordinators. Coordinators and Probationary Coordinators shall be appointed by a vote of three quarters (3/4) approval of the members present at a meeting. Prior to nomination as a Coordinator, a person must have been a Probationary Coordinator for a period of a year. Coordinators and Probationary Coordinators may resign by giving notice to the Chairman of the Coordinators Council (the “Trips Director”). The Executive Committee may remove inactive or incompetent Coordinators or Probationary Coordinators from their positions on the recommendation of the Coordinators Council. Meetings shall be called by the Trips Director and shall require five clear days notice being given verbally or in writing to members of the Coordinators Council. Meetings shall be called at least once yearly.

    Quorum shall be one fifth (1/5) of the coordinators who have taken out trips in the past fiscal year. Business shall be transacted upon majority vote of the members present and voting, and shall be subject to approval by the Executive Committee.

    The Coordinators Council shall appoint a Secretary who shall take the minutes of the meetings of the Council, and shall forward a copy of the minutes to the Secretary of the Association.

    The Coordinators Council shall organize Association trips in a manner that is consistent with the following guidelines:

    1. Coordinators and Probationary Coordinators may lead Association trips, subject to the direction of the Coordinators Council.
    2. Each person on a trip participates at his or her own risk and is responsible for his or her own safety and well being, and no liability rests upon the Association or any Coordinator or any person due to any negligence.
    3. An Association trip must be announced to the members of the Association in a generally accepted manner.
    4. All Association trips require a trip sign-up sheet that shall be signed by all participants.

    In the event of prolonged absence of the Trips Director, either the Trips Director or the Coordinators Council shall appoint an acting Trips Director who shall assume all duties of the Trips Director during the absence of the Trips Director. In the event of the resignation of the Trips Director, the Coordinators Council shall appoint a successor for the duration of the term of office.

  2. Formula for Political Action

    When a matter arises which is relevant to the activities of the Club that in view of a member or members requires an official stand by the Club to forward it or thwart it, then the following procedure shall be followed:
    1. A statement or brief, signed by at least seven (7) members shall be presented to the President.
    2. This statement or brief, shall be posted on the notice board, and shall be read out, either in whole or in summary, at the weekly meeting on three successive weeks.
    3. An attempt shall be made by means of a volunteer telephone committee appointed by the President to contact all members to inform them of the general nature of the proposal, and the date on which a vote will be taken.
    4. At the third meeting the proposal shall be discussed and voted upon. Minutes shall be taken. Two-thirds (2/3) majority would apply and the resulting decision shall be Club policy.
    5. When a matter arises which requires a response to be made in a time period less than that set out in sub-sections (a) to (d) above, then:
      1. One or more members may call a committee of interested members to prepare a brief, proposal, letter or other submission.
      2. The submission shall be presented to the membership at the first possible opportunity before the deadline for submissions.
      3. The submission shall be discussed and voted upon. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of those present and voting makes the submission an official position of the Rocky Mountain Ramblers Association.

  3. Large Fiscal Expenditures

    If the Executive Committee wishes to spend a sum of money which exceeds twenty percent (20%) of the membership income of the last fiscal year for a capital expenditure, the Executive Committee must secure a majority approval from the membership present at any meeting of the Club after having given at least two weeks written or verbal notice to each member of such expenditure, and also notice of meeting when the vote of approval will be requested.

  4. Membership Categories

    1. Single membership for any individual over 18 years of age.
    2. Individuals joining after September 1 who have never been members of the Association, will pay the standard membership fee to become a RMRA member, and their membership will carry them through to the end of the following membership year.
    3. Present life member of the organization.
    4. An honorary membership, valid for the current fiscal year, or an honoraria life membership, valid for the life of the member, may be granted to any person upon recommendation by the Executive Committee and ratification by majority vote of the members present and voting at a general meeting.

  5. Rules of Order

    Bourinot’s Rules of Order apply at general meetings, except that a motion to commit or recommit is in order.

  6. Executive Committee Elections and Appointments

    • A returning officer and two tellers shall be appointed by the members at the Annual General Meeting.
    • All results of the election shall be announced to the meeting through the presiding officer.
    • The Executive Committee may appoint a nominating sub-committee before the Annual General Meeting to accept nominations for the positions on the Executive Committee.
    • One member of the Executive Committee shall be the Trips Director and he / she shall be appointed by the Coordinators Council after each Annual General Meeting. The Coordinators Council may appoint to this position either members or non-members of the Executive Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting.
    • The Past President shall be a member of the Executive Committee.
