Coordinators Council
The Coordinators Council shall be generally responsible for the outdoor activities
of the Association and shall be responsible to the Executive Committee. The Coordinators
Council shall consist of the officers and the Coordinators. Coordinators and Probationary
Coordinators shall be appointed by a vote of three quarters (3/4) approval of the
members present at a meeting. Prior to nomination as a Coordinator, a person must
have been a Probationary Coordinator for a period of a year. Coordinators and Probationary
Coordinators may resign by giving notice to the Chairman of the Coordinators Council
(the “Trips Director”). The Executive Committee may remove inactive or incompetent
Coordinators or Probationary Coordinators from their positions on the recommendation
of the Coordinators Council. Meetings shall be called by the Trips Director and
shall require five clear days notice being given verbally or in writing to members
of the Coordinators Council. Meetings shall be called at least once yearly.
Quorum shall be one fifth (1/5) of the coordinators who have taken out trips in
the past fiscal year. Business shall be transacted upon majority vote of the members
present and voting, and shall be subject to approval by the Executive Committee.
The Coordinators Council shall appoint a Secretary who shall take the minutes of
the meetings of the Council, and shall forward a copy of the minutes to the Secretary
of the Association.
The Coordinators Council shall organize Association trips in a manner that is consistent
with the following guidelines:
Coordinators and Probationary Coordinators may lead Association trips, subject to
the direction of the Coordinators Council.
Each person on a trip participates at his or her own risk and is responsible for
his or her own safety and well being, and no liability rests upon the Association
or any Coordinator or any person due to any negligence.
An Association trip must be announced to the members of the Association in a generally
accepted manner.
All Association trips require a trip sign-up sheet that shall be signed by all participants.
In the event of prolonged absence of the Trips Director, either the Trips Director
or the Coordinators Council shall appoint an acting Trips Director who shall assume
all duties of the Trips Director during the absence of the Trips Director. In the
event of the resignation of the Trips Director, the Coordinators Council shall appoint
a successor for the duration of the term of office.