Any day you can bask once more in warm sunshine in the foothills in November is a great day to be out and about!

We did the Sulphur Springs trail in 6 degree weather with the sun coming in and out of chinook cloudiness. Most of us donned mincrospikes for the climb to the high point, although it wasn't really necessary. There was a little ice and crunchy snow but it was easy to avoid most of it. Higher up we benefited from an inversion, as there was no snow or ice at all, and we enjoyed lunch at the high point on dry grass in calm conditions.

Ron, Madeleine, Laszlo, Richard, Peter at lunch summit

Dry and sunny lunch spot (photo by Madeleine)

The return above the Elbow River was lovely as ever. Wildlife seen was all of the flying variety--a grouse, a hairy woodpecker, a downy woodpecker and, believe it or not, a moth.

Male Downy woodpecker pecks wood on an aspen tree

We were back to the cars by 2:35. Carl, coordinator and scribe.

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