The day started with an interesting wildlife sighting, just as your scribe's car approached Turner Valley we saw a coyote crossing Hwy 22, which was then followed by 4 rather cute coyote pups who all disappeared into high grass beside the road.

It was warm at the start of the hike so it was nice to start in the shaded forest. Some ways up the trail it descends to the creek where it was washed away by the 2013 flood. From there it is a streambed boulder walk for a while:

Lineham Creek - flood ravaged streambed

In order to not have to cross the creek a mudslide washout must be traversed; more later. On the other side of the washout a side stream is crossed:

Crossing the side stream

Thence commences a steep climb out of the valley to a pleasant hike through the forest. There were two separate grouse flushed out in the forest:

Grouse of the day

Above treeline there was a rocky ridge to traverse followed by a snow patch crossing:

Snow patch of the day

Lunch for some was at the end of the ridge while some went a little higher to the peaklet to the north

Lineham Ridge lunch spot 1

Lineham Ridge lunch spot 2

After a suitable rest admiring the view and the alpine flowers we descended the way we came:

Descent rest stop on Lineham Ridge

Back at the streambed the flow in the creek was still rather high from Saturday's rains:

High flow on Lineham Creek

This would have made for a very challenging stream crossing both here and further downstream when you would have to cross back. To avoid these crossings requires going through a washout which exhibited rather recent looking mudflows, not to mention a spring that appeared to emanate from the hillside:

Mud flows down the washout along Lineham Creek

It was just slow going ensuring stable footing as one traversed the dried mud:

Tackling the mudflows along Lineham Creek

Thanks to everyone for making a great trip: participants: Philip, Ron C/S/P, Bill, Barbara, Francisco, Brenda, Aldis, David, Inge, Sonja, Teresa (photos), Jane, Harold, Gordon, Jenny, Lenard, Katrin, Brian and welcome to new member Dana.

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