After leaving Calgary at 7.00am, we set off from the Little Highwood Pass dayuse car park at 8.45am. As warned by another Rambler, the Valleyview Trail was closed because of a bear feeding on a carcass, so we headed diagonally North up into the woods to our objective (the col between Mt Gap and Mt Elpoca. Some mild bushwacking soon gave way to steep hillsides with faint trails which led to the col. Following Kane's suggestions, we took a break and then headed up the actual mountain. One member had some difficulty with the first exposed section but was persuaded around and we ascended.

David negotiates the crux move on Gap Mtn while Becky look on

Final Ridge and summit of Gap Mtn

Ledges and some loose rock plus a couple of trickier sections led to the summit at 12 noon with glorious views.

Becky, Mel and David on summit of Gap Mtn 2675m

Becky and David on the summit of Gap Mtn

Lunch, photos and register signing took 30 minutes and with a slight eye on the breezy weather we started down.

Ridge descent from Gap Mtn

David starts the descent from Gap Mtn summit

I think that we were only the 4th party in the register this year.

We reached the col soon after 1.00pm and with a sigh of relief especially from one member we enjoyed a brief second lunch. While eating we spotted a bear rummaging in the meadows 1km north. The descent down fine scree with a bit of bushwacking went smoothly and we arrived back at the car just after 2.00pm. We had a few rain spots but insufficient even for raingear. With a stop at the well provisioned Fortress gas station we were in time for the Calgary rush hour at 4.00pm. Thanks to Becky and Mel for their excellent company from c&s David. Personally I enjoyed this short trip with a bit of scrambling and some exposure. But while it wasn't everyone's cup of tea, it sure beat a day at the office especially picking seismic velocities. Although we took a scrambling rope, it wasn't required. Neither were helmets required, but we all felt more comfortable wearing them.

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