With a late start we were on top of no name hiil , technically the high point of Fir creek ridge, by 12:30 . Right on time for an extended lunch break enjoying the warm sun , expansive views and good company. To complete the loop we just followed the ridge down past the Boundary pine and fir creek point. Some deep but supportive snow patches on the upper ridge, gradually disappearing as we descended lower , even a few crocuses were starting to bloom. Back at the cars at 3:00 pm.

Approaching Grass pass

Group on top of the hill east of Grass pass

The famous Boundary pine

Fir ck. Ridge

Fir ck. Ridge

Participants: FranciscoC/S, Peter (photos), Shirley, Jeannette, Janice, John, Sonja, Jane, Lenard, Andre (photo), Agnieszka, Tina

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